The Old Testament closed with an exhortation to “remember the Law of Moses” (cf. A number of incredible changes had taken place - religious, political, cultural and civil. It was at the end of this era where the children of Israel entered into a period known as the “Intertestamental Period.” This 400 year period between the close of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament saw a number of significant changes: the people had greatly multiplied and were now dwelling together in the same land… rather than being under Persian rule, they were now under Roman rule with an Edomite king exercising jurisdiction over them. Seven different prophets ministered to God’s people during this time period: Daniel and Ezekiel ministered to the exiles in Babylon… while Haggai, Zechariah, Ezra, Nehemiah and Malachi ministered to the people who were returning to the land.

The Jewish people had been living in exile in Babylon since about 605 BC… beginning in 538 BC, small groups of Jews started returning to their homeland. Printable pdf Version of this StudyThe Old Testament closes a little over four hundred years before Christ (about 425 BC) with the Jewish people “being partially restored to their land,” and living under the dominion of the Persian Empire.